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Within the 12 sessions we will work fluidly with these elements as needed:

  • ABIE™ Energy Healing Sessions (multiple/as needed) 

  • Emotion Zero Point Therapy™ Sessions (multiple/as needed) 

  • Super Conscious Soul State™ Hypnosis (multiple/as needed) 

  • Soul Communication and Integration Healing™  (Past/Parallel Life Healing multiple/as needed)  

  • Akashic Record Reading 

  • Soul Coaching 

  • Direct Guide/s interaction 

  • Course Creation and Soul Integration (dependent of the individual’s needs) 

  • If applicable learning to read and heal yourself and others within the Akashic Records

  • Demolishment of Ego the ‘self’ the ‘I’

  • Living in a Surrendered Soul State



Soul Path Signature Soul Energy Healing

The Soul Path Healing Intensive is based around 12 sessions taken at your own pace, where we will take a deep-dive into your current karmic soul blueprints and undertake a journey of healing with the love and support of the Universal Healing Council of Light (UHCL).


The UHCL provides me with access to specific wisdom and insights that are channelled for you through a range of guides, facilitators and healers that step forward as specialists in the areas in which you most need love, support and nourishment and to let go of what no longer serves you.


Diving deep into your soul state and space, we access your true fundamental archetypes discovering the highest potential and expression for you in this lifetime, based on your current point of attraction and soul blueprint. We then uncover your individual and specific action steps to get you there, moving you rapidly and powerfully forward on your Soul Path.


These ABIE™ Healing Sessions will be energetically encoded to you through the clear messages channelled directly from your guides and the UHCL, helping you to address and heal your specific set of circumstances within the quantum healing space. As these healings and messages are channelled explicitly for you, they are as different and unique as each person’s fingerprints.


Underpinned by deep soul healing in the multidimensional plane, the Soul Path Healing Intensive also initiates solid action steps to be taken in this dimension, thereby creating an extremely powerful combination that enables you to break through blocks and limitations that are beyond the current experience and comprehension of this dimension.

This powerful blend of energetic healing and real world action taken in tandem produces incredible, lasting results.


The Soul Path Healing Intensive will revolutionise your resonance into higher frequencies! This results in creating total alignment with the true expression and embodiment of the soul space and state here on earth, altering what you attract into your life to support your soul’s best and highest good.

Price: €4080


Six healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €2040


Eight healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €2720


Twelve healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €4080



These sessions of healing infusions are loosely structured as follows:


Session 1: Lean into your loss: healing through storytelling and energetically dissolving any low vibrational emotional bonds to your grief such as guilt, shame, judgement, doubt, fear etc. In this session we will work on creating a routine that allows you to move through your day to day life a little easier and feeling a little lighter.


Session 2: Level your loss: examining, holding space and lovingly healing and releasing the seen and unseen losses we experience in grief.


Session 3:  Lighten your loss: an ABIE™ Healing Session to energetically and vibrationally lift and shift the burden of grief and all related soul ties, soul contracts and any other bindings to this grief experience that no longer serve you and your best and highest good. Includes action steps for you to further activate and enhance this healing session well into the future.


Session 4: Letting go of grief: a deeply moving and personalised ceremonial session to create comfort and establish touchpoints to physically and energetically anchor your grief. This session centres around allowing you to transcend a deep grief state and emerge with a sense of peace and understanding of the soul purpose and gifts of your grief journey.


Session 5: Legacy continues meaning: Laying down a legacy for a loved one provides a powerful healing opportunity to create something that will be valued and treasured in their memory. In this session we will explore ways in which you can celebrate your loved ones life through a meaningful legacy gesture. These actions – when aligned with your soul purpose in this experience - will usher in a range of healing energies and help to raise your vibrations while prompting the start of renewed meaning and purpose.


Session 6: Learning to live again: creating, embedding and activating an energetic and vibrational framework to align and attune your soul to your renewed sense of meaning and purpose in your life after loss.


Further sessions: Ongoing guidance and support pulling from the mixed modality as needed


Losing someone we love has a lasting impact on our lives. The way in which we process, heal from and integrate our loss experience determines how our layers of grief will peel away. These sessions have been created to provide healing, love and support to you on your grief journey. As everyone’s grief experience and healing pace is different, these sessions are spaced at intervals that work best for you.

Deep grief changes us irrevocably. In this space I have seen many souls hang on in survival mode, some find a way to live and some souls manage to reclaim their lives to a point where they can once again thrive. The Life After Loss Healing Infusion offers you gentle and restorative healing sessions to comfort and support you as you reclaim, reshape and rebuild your life while riding the tides of grief.


I stand here in my integrity having lost my fiancé in a car accident in my 20s, and later losing my infant son, Conor, to a virus.  In this series of healings designed to help you reclaim and rebuild your life, I use the very same methodology, wisdom and techniques that have allowed me to navigate my own loss and grief journey and get to a point where I am no longer just surviving, but thriving.


In fact, I still use these methods, insights and techniques to this day because grief is not linear, and healing happens in layers.  It is part of my life’s mission to share this knowledge and healing wisdom with others so that they can move through life after loss a little lighter.


During these sessions I will work with you on a deep, quantum healing level to uncover and heal your soul ties to grief. I will meet you where you are at in your grief journey – whether you have just lost a loved one, or the loss happened years ago – and work with you and your precious soul to peel away and transmute the layers of grief.


Channelling your highly personalised and individual ABIE™ healing through The Universal Healing Council of Light gives me access to specialist guides, facilitators and healers that step forward to love, heal and support your soul as you find your way to a renewed sense of meaning.


During your sessions we will be using some or all of these methodologies and techniques as needed, based on your own unique grief experience:

  • ABIE™ Energy Healing Sessions

  • Emotion Zero Point Therapy™ Sessions

  • Super Conscious Soul State™ Hypnosis

  • Soul Communication and Integration Healing™ (Past/Parallel Life Healing)  

  • Akashic Record Reading 

  • Soul Coaching 

  • Direct Guide/s interaction 

  • Learning to read and heal yourself and others within the Akashic Records

  • Demolishment of Ego the ‘self’ the ‘I’

  • Living in a Surrendered Soul State



Transcending Trauma Healing Intensive

While this intensive has a basic outline, it is adapted to each person’s unique experience and healing needs. The Transcending Trauma Intensive is loosely structured as follows:


Session 1: Travelling through your trauma: a soulful exploration of your story, shifting the narrative and uncovering the hidden soul gifts


Session 2: Tend to your triggers: uncovering and deactivating trauma sparks and ties on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic)


Session 3: Tuning into your soul: compelling connection with your guides and higher self for deep, intuitive soul healing and recalibration to move you forward into the next phase of your life powerfully. You lead the way in this session with direction and support from me so as to maximise the power and impact this session has. This is the turning point for you!


Session 4: Tackling the trauma: A live ABIE™ Healing session to dispel any lingering energetic and vibrational patterns linked to your traumatic experience and attending to any new insights and


Session 5: Transforming your trauma: a ceremonial session for letting go and celebration of stepping into the new version of you including developing, mapping out  and encoding your personalised blueprint to ensure you thrive beyond the trauma. (This process may take a number of sessions depending on individual requirements).


Session 6: Transition and elevation: activation of your new energetic vibrational state


Further sessions: Ongoing guidance and support pulling from the mixed modality as needed


Throughout this intensive you’ll get worksheets and questionnaires to help you tnavigate the healing process with a focused approach. During the 1:1 live sessions with me, we will dive deep into each area to move you forward into a life where you thrive because of - not in spite of - all of the unique experiences that make you YOU!


As everyone’s trauma experience and healing pace is different, these sessions are spaced at intervals that work best for you.

Trauma affects us at a soul level and can disrupt our lives in so many ways – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically. When we are out of sync in these areas due to trauma, our soul purpose and expression is not optimal.


When trauma causes chaos within your life it can to lead to a dis-ease state that is often represented or expressed in humans as emotional suppression and avoidance through addiction, eating disorders, anxiety and depression and the like.


Working through and clearing these layers of trauma will be the making of you. It doesn’t matter how recently or how long ago you experienced a traumatic event. The point is that by investing in this intensive, you are taking immeasurable steps towards facing your trauma and working at resolving and healing at a deep soul level.

This is the purpose: you have come here in this form, to this time on Earth to overcome this and become through this. Transcending your trauma is a vital part of your soul path.


The Transcending Trauma Healing Intensive will facilitate deep, multi-layered healing in the psychic quantum healing space. Working as a human conduit of The Universal Healing Council of Light, I am able to access wisdom and insights from a number of specialist guides and healers, which are channelled specifically for you in order to facilitate your healing on a mental, physical, emotional spiritual and energetic level.


While we all experience traumatic events differently, trauma has a lot of commonalities. For more than 10 years I have supported and walked with many people through their traumatic experiences as a trauma counsellor and coach. Wanting to provide people with access to a deeper layer of healing, I have opened my clients up to a whole new conduit of healing wisdom through working in this multi-dimensional, energetic space where there is no limitation to healing.


We are all magnificent, strong and so deserving of living - truly living - beyond the trauma!


Trauma is the pathway to your magnificence!

These 1:1, highly personalised healing sessions make use of a number of different healing modalities including ABIE™ Energy Healing Sessions, Emotion Zero Point Therapy™ Sessions, Super Conscious Soul State™ Hypnosis, Akashic Records and Soul Coaching as well as direct interaction with your guides, depending on where you are at in your own unique trauma experience.


Used in combination with the love, compassion and understanding from my own traumatic experiences, moving through these modalities will be pivotal in enabling you to transmute and transcend your trauma, thereby elevating you to new vibrations of understanding and being.


You will be empowered to thrive again in your life like never before. 


Six healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €2040


Eight healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €2720


Twelve healing sessions taken at your own pace

Price: €4080

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