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I get it. Navigating, dissolving and releasing your TRIGGERS and BLOCKS are some of the most crucial parts of healing, especially when it comes to trauma and grief.

And I know that’s exactly what drove you here today. 

You’re ready to ditch the emotional exhaustion and overwhelm, disconnect and feeling stuck and I am ready to help you do exactly that!


My soul coaching and energy healing services are specifically designed to move you through your blocks and triggers, limiting beliefs and all the things holding you back through holding sacred space for you to heal, grow and step into your highest self. Together we will align, centre and recalibrate your energy and soul so that you can live with a sense of ease, flow and inner peace.

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We always work in accordance with your best and highest good. What this means is that you always you get the information you need for your best and highest good so that you can become more aligned with your authentic self and step into growth.


We will then use a combination of methodologies, depending on your intentions and healing requirements, to open up your unique healing pathway (which we all hold inside but sometimes need help to access). This could look like:


🦋 Opening up access to your physiological, subconscious and soul wisdom: We’ll bypass the limitations of your conscious mind and tap into the profound insights within your physical body, subconscious mind and higher soul self. This allows for healing and transformation from within, giving you access to deep wisdom, resources and insights held in your body, mind and soul.


🦋 Dissolving emotional baggage: In a safe and gentle space, you'll be able to release emotional burdens, dissolve triggers, and work towards profound emotional freedom and inner peace. This process helps you let go of what no longer serves you, making room for the freedom to truly thrive.


🦋 Cultivating self-discovery and empowerment: By delving into the depths of your being, you'll uncover hidden aspects of yourself and embrace your authentic essence. This journey provides clarity, a stronger sense of self, and the confidence to create positive change in your life.


🦋 Reframing limiting beliefs: Together, we’ll identify and dissolvecore limiting beliefs, changing your perspective to a more empowering one that supports your wellbeing and success. Imagine the freedom and empowerment that comes with a mindset primed for positivity and growth!


🦋 Restoring energetic balance: We’ll work on balancing and aligning your energetic field, allowing vital energy to flow freely. This brings about physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, rejuvenation, and a renewed sense of vitality.

What you can expect_edited.jpg

Release of blockages: Experience the restoration of your natural state of balance and health through the gentle release of energetic blockages. This process alleviates both physical and emotional pain, allowing your body to return to its optimal state of well-being. By addressing these blockages, you can achieve a harmonious flow of energy, leading to improved health and vitality.


Emotional healing: Dive deep into the process of emotional healing by releasing stored traumas and negative patterns that have been weighing you down. As these emotional burdens are lifted, you create space for clarity and inner peace. This healing journey enables you to process past experiences, leading to a more balanced and serene emotional state.


Balanced energy fields: Achieve a state of equilibrium by ensuring the free flow of vital energy throughout your body and energy field. When your energy fields are balanced, you experience enhanced physical and emotional health. This balance supports your overall well-being, making you feel more centred and grounded.


Enhanced self-awareness and connection: Develop a deeper understanding of your inner self and align more closely with your soul's purpose. This enhanced self-awareness fosters a stronger connection to your true essence, allowing you to live with greater intention and authenticity. As you connect more deeply with your inner self, you gain insights that guide you on your life path.


Renewed emotional balance: Experience a profound sense of calm and emotional resilience as you restore balance to your emotions. This renewed balance reduces stress and enhances your ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease. As a result, you feel more stable and emotionally grounded, contributing to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.


Empowerment to move forward: Feel empowered to take positive steps towards living a more aligned, authentic, and fulfilling life. By releasing old patterns and embracing new possibilities, you gain the confidence and motivation to move forward on your journey. This empowerment allows you to create the life you truly desire, filled with purpose and joy.


Enhanced relaxation: Activate your parasympathetic nervous system to promote deep relaxation and self-healing. This activation helps to reduce stress and anxiety, allowing your body to enter a state of rest and recovery. As you relax more deeply, your body's natural healing processes are supported, leading to improved overall health.


Boosted wellbeing: Improve your overall sense of well-being by enhancing your sleep quality, strengthening your immune system, and increasing your vitality and energy levels. By supporting your body’s natural healing processes, you can achieve a higher state of health and wellness, allowing you to live life to the fullest.

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These sessions tackle deep healing on a soul level that permeates across all space and time dimensions.



An immersive ABIE™ Healing Session that is carried out live online or in person. I tune into your soul and talk you through the healng in real time.

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A powerful blend of hypnosis and energy healing come together in this unique modality to help you tap into your deepest power source: your divine, authentic soul self.

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Energetically tapping into your DNA to allow for potent, powerful healing take place transmuting what no longer serves you above and below your conscious awareness while activating and restoring you back to your sacred divine soul code blueprint.

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Healing intensives and packages designed specifically for healing grief and trauma

available upon request

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