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The Light Within

Hello and welcome to The Light Within!

I'm Michelle, and I am thrilled to FINALLY, FINALLY have started this blog!


I have been prompted and nudged so many times by the universe to start writing again. And today a switch just flicked on for me. I have been pushing it aside for FAR too long and so now here I am; creating this space to help you connect with your light within.


My deepest wish for The Light Within is that the insights, healing wisdom and channelled guidance I share will help to illuminate your path to healing. May this blog guide you towards rediscovering and igniting the beautiful light within yourself and allowing it to shine brightly and unapologetically!!


Never forget what a beautiful and powerful being you are!


Life's challenges, whether they manifest as grief, trauma, or any other form of emotional turmoil, can often obscure our inner light. It’s easy to feel lost, broken, or disconnected from the essence of who we truly are. I want you to know that beneath the layers of pain and struggle, there lies an incredible reservoir of strength, wisdom, and healing energy.


One of the most important things I have come to understand as an energy healer and soul coach who has lived experience with grief and trauma (you can read my story here), is that WE ALL deserve to heal and WE ALL have an innate ability to heal, grow, and transform.


The Light Within is about peeling back these layers and reconnecting with our authentic selves. It’s about learning how to step into the new version of ourselves post trauma or grief. It's about realising that we have everything we need inside of us to heal and thrive. We hold everything within us – all the tools, resources and knowledge that is needed for us to step into healing and the highest version of ourselves, no matter what life has thrown at us. The tools, the strength, the resilience – it’s all there, waiting to be uncovered and nurtured.


Rediscovering your inner light is about working towards alchemy; transforming your current reality into one where you are able to find inner peace and alignment, and show up more powerfully in every area of your life, despite your experiences.


Trauma and grief irrevocably changes and reshapes you and the way you view the world, as well as the way you show up in it. You become a whole new version of yourself and it’s important to honour that, embrace that you will never be the same, and work towards realigning, recalibrating and re-centering yourself based on this new version so that you can live life beyond your trauma or grief.


Shining unapologetically is a process. It’s your expansion. Because once you begin to rediscover your light, the next step is to let it shine – boldly and unapologetically. This means living authentically, embracing your true self, and sharing your gifts with the world. It means not holding back or dimming your light to make others comfortable. Your light is unique, and the world needs it.


So this is my invitation to you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and healing.


Thank you for being here!

Let’s light up the world, one beautiful soul at a time!


With love from my soul to yours,




PS: Sign up to my members area for updates so you never miss a post, or follow me on Facebook or Instagram for inspiration and wisdom on your healing journey.

PPS: If you ready to explore your own healing journey and reconnect with YOUR Light Within, book your FREE Radical Soul Reading to unlock your inner healing wisdom and open yourself up to soul truths, blocks and limitations. And if you are ready to dive straight into healing, I invite you to see how I can be of service to you on your journey.


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