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A powerful blend of hypnosis and energy healing come together for you to tap into your deepest power source: your divine, authentic,


If you’ve found your way to this healing offering, chances are you’re no stranger to doing the inner work and healing AND yet you’re looking to unlock a new level of your inner potential and break free from the deeper energetic blocks holding you back!

BUT chances are there’s also something stopping you from getting there...

You might be struggling to:

🌪 release old patterns or limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in the same cycle,

🌪 tap into your subconscious wisdom and transform emotional baggage that no longer serves you,

🌪 find clarity, direction, and empowerment in your life, relationships, or career.

These things you’re feeling? That you’re struggling with? Are things that so many beautiful souls like you go through—including hundreds of my past clients.

That is, until they stepped into working in a safe trance space that transformed their energetics, perspectives and therefore their lived experience...

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Hypno-Healing recognises that we are multidimensional beings, and true healing occurs when we address all aspects of our being. Using a blend of my extensive energy healing experience and powerful hypnotic techniques, you’ll shift from feeling energetically drained or emotionally blocked to feeling empowered, healed, and ready to step into the highest version of yourself.

At the heart of Hypno-Healing is the belief that each person's healing journey is unique. As a practitioner, I am committed to providing a safe, compassionate, and personalised space for your healing process. Together, we will co-create a transformative experience that addresses your specific needs, goals, and desires, guiding you towards the path of self-discovery and inner harmony.

During our Hypno-Healing session we will work together to:

🦋 Create a safe and gentle space to release emotional burdens.

🦋 Combine hypnotherapy's power to reframe narratives with energy work's ability to restore energetic balance, nurturing you - mind, body, and soul.

🦋 Unite, align and integrate the conscious, subconscious and energetic soul realms within. By accessing the subconscious mind through gentle trance, we can uncover hidden beliefs, patterns, and traumas that may be influencing our present experiences and transmute them through rewiring any subconscious programming.

🦋 While this alchemy can happen on a mental and physical level, the energy work component will facilitate harmony on a soul level by working within your energetic field, allowing for the release of stagnant energy, blockages, and imbalances and ushering in healing shifts to the very core essence of your being.

🦋Activate a holistic flow state that allows you to access the innate healing wisdom and powerful personal potential within you.


So that you walk away with:

💜 A sense of peace and expansion.

💜 Self-awareness and empowerment paving the way for positive change, personal growth, and spiritual expansion.


💜 Clarity, a stronger sense of self, and the confidence to create positive change in your life.


💜 A level of self-love and acceptance so that you are able to more fully embrace your authentic essence.

💜 Restoration of emotional, physical, mental and energetic balance to promotes holistic healing, rejuvenation, and a renewed sense of vitality.

Hypno-Healing is an ideal modality for addressing the root causes of our challenges, while grounding, centreing and aligning us on all levels of our being. By fostering balance and harmony within ourselves, we create a solid foundation for deep, meaningful and lasting wellbeing.

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​I would love to journey with you and help you to discover, unlock and tap into your best bits while deepening your healing and empowerment experience👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

STEP 1️⃣: Click the link below to make payment

You can either pay via the website or you can contact me to make alternative payment arrangements. Once payment has been received, I will be in touch over email or text message to set up a time for your session.

STEP 2️⃣:  We meet online or in-person 

We’ll begin by exploring your deepest desires and the goals for your healing journey. I’ll guide you to set clear, empowering intentions so we can focus on the areas you need to heal or transform. These can be related to your career, relationships, emotional well-being, or spiritual growth.

During the session, we use a guided hypnotic process to allow you to dive deep into your subconscious mind. In this deeply relaxed state, the conscious mind’s defenses are lowered, allowing hidden memories, patterns, or emotions to emerge and so we are able to uncover the perspectives, blocks, limiting beliefs, or unresolved traumas that may be holding you back. We then work to create a healing, non-judgemental and accepting space that allows these hidden influences to surface fully because bringing them into your awareness is the first step towards transmuting them. 


Once they have been identified, these subconscious patterns can be reframed, released, or healed. Through guided suggestions and visualisation, these limiting blocks, beliefs or traumas are reframed or released. For instance, a past trauma might be reprocessed with a new, empowered perspective, or a limiting belief is replaced with one that supports your growth.


At the same time, I’ll channel healing energy to help dissolve these blocks, clearing the way for positive, lasting change. This process works on both a conscious and energetic level, ensuring you receive a profound body, mind and soul-level healing.


These sessions usually last between 60 and 90 minutes, include a supportive tarot card pull and can be recorded.

STEP 3️⃣: Aftercare and integration 

During the healing session, you will often receive intuitive guidance on additional steps and practices that can help you anchor the shifts into your day-to-day life. These personalised practices may include meditation techniques, journaling prompts, visualisation exercises, or energy-clearing rituals. These tools are designed to help you integrate the healing into your 3D experience, ensuring that the shifts you’ve experienced are fully embodied. By following these steps, you can further activate and enhance the healing energy, allowing it to continue unfolding long after the session ends.


Healing is a process, and as the energy settles, you may notice shifts and transformations at different levels—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. To support you in this journey, I will follow up with you a few days after your session to check in on how you’re feeling, how the healing is integrating, and to offer any additional support you may need.


I’m always here to help if anything comes up after you’ve received your Hypno-Healing. Whether you’re experiencing new insights, emotions, or energetic shifts, you’re welcome to reach out to me at any time. My priority is to ensure that you feel supported throughout your entire healing journey, and that you have the tools you need to continue evolving and growing beyond our session together.​​​

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