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The Akashic Records are an energetic, vibrational collection of all the thoughts, emotions and experiences of every single soul. The Records extend infinitely through past, present and future. Also referred to as The Book of Life, they hold a record of what has transpired, what is currently happening and what could come about; in other words, they hold the details of our soul’s sacred contracts and our specific learning for this lifetime.

​When I access your Akashic Records, I am able to answer specific questions you may have on past, present or future events through interpreting messages that are relevant to your growth and understanding in the moment. 

You can ask about your career, finances, love. You can ask for inspiration - the scope of information is endless, from the time your soul was created to all your future possibilities. The information that comes through in a reading is always what you need to know at this point of your journey to best be able to advance and support yourself. Decoding your Akashic Records can activate powerful transformation and inspiration providing perfect insight, guidance, and support you need at this moment.

An Akashic Soul Reading can activate powerful transformation and inspiration as it provides the perfect insight, guidance, and support that you need at this moment. The information will always guide you back to your authentic self, to your soul truth and the wisdom and freedom to be gained from that perspective.

An Akashic Soul Reading tunes into your soul and provides insight on the highest potential outcome from your current energetic vibration. As you are always in control of your own future, you could make a decision that changes the course of your journey, and therefore the potential outcomes channelled from a reading.

Akashic Soul Readings
What are the


Because I understand that people work differently, I offer two ways in which you can receive your reading. 

1) You send me up to three (3) questions by email, and I email you back detailed notes in response to your questions


2) You can meet me online to ask your three (3) questions and receive your reading live in person


I have set a universal price of  €33 for both options as it’s totally up to you – it’s your soul, your reading, and so your choice to meet me live for a conversational reading, or request written notes only.

As you are always in control of your own future and destiny; you could make a decision that changes the course of your journey, and therefore the potential outcomes channelled from any of these readings.

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