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ABIE energy healings_edited.jpg

ABIE™ Energy Healing Sessions are my highest level of service. These sessions tackle deep healing on a soul level that permeates across all space and time dimensions.

Deep healing on a soul level is so important if you want to experience a life of ease and flow, where you are able to show up as the highest version of yourself AND more powerfully in all areas of your life.


BUT it can also be SO difficult to do when you are struggling with energetic and vibrational blocks.


While you may be aware of the complex patterns influencing your current life experience, there are some sitting below your conscious reality and awareness.  These energetic imbalances and deep-rooted vibrational blocks can all get in your way. They may leave you wondering why you cant stop thinking or acting in a certain way, or why you are continuously triggered by the same things, even though you have put in the work. Sound familiar?

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And it’s time we make that happen for you.


Whether you are at the beginning of your healing journey, in the midst of clearing past traumas and/or grief, or seeking to deepen your connection with your highest self, ABIE™ Energy Healing Sessions will create the ideal energetic conditions and vibrational resonanace for you to experience profound and lasting change.



🦋 Gaining clarity and insights into the patterns that have been holding you back.

🦋 Experiencing a deep soul-level healing that permeates across all space and time dimensions.

🦋 Receiving actionable steps and guidance to continue your healing journey with confidence.

And more.


This? Is exactly what you will experience during an ABIE™ Energy Healing Session!

Heres how it rolls_edited.jpg

STEP 1️⃣: The reading and healing are completed remotely

I access a powerful, multi-dimensional healing modality to download an extensive soul reading, based on the intentions you set. This step helps to identify the energetic patterns and blocks that are influencing your current life experience - whether it be around your career, money, relationships, health or anything else. 


Through this modality, I work as a human ambassador for the Universal Healing Council of Light, with access to specific wisdom and insights for you along with a range of guides, facilitators and healers to address and heal your specific set of circumstances in the psychic quantum healing space.


This ensures that deep healing is taking place across all dimensions, helping you to transmute and alchemise your wounding, blocks and all the patterns, thoughts and things that no longer serve you. Also, this universal support ensures you receive exactly what you need for your best and highest good.


I take comprehensive notes during this step.

STEP 2️⃣:  We meet online or in-person for a catch up session

Once the remote healing is complete, we will set up an time to meet either online or in person to discuss the insights and healing that have been done. These sessions usually last between 60 and 90 minutes.


Massive shifts can take place just by bringing some of these deep-seated wounding and their point of origin into your conscious awareness.


During the catch-up session, the healing is still open and additional healing insights and information is often channelled through. During this time you can ask any questions you have to gain further clarity around what has come up in your healing.


STEP 3️⃣: Notes and follow up

I provide you with an electronic copy of your healing notes. The notes carry the healing vibration which remains active if you feel drawn to reading over them again. These notes also include direction and action steps that you can take to continue your healing journey. I will check in with you a few days after delivering the healing to see how the integration process is going for you and you are also welcome to message me with anything that comes up for you after the healing has taken place.

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